Sunday, November 16, 2008

Our community


As we walk our path of life,

We met people everyday.

Most are simply met by chance.

But,some are sent our way.

These become special friends

Whose bond we can't explain

The ones who understand us

And share our joy and pain.

Their love contains no boundaries.

So,even we are apart.

Their presence enhances us

With a warmth felt in the heart.

This love becomes a passageway,

When even miles disappear.

And so,these friends,God sends our way,

Remain forever near....


Setiap detik,ku perhati semua gerak gerimu,

Setiap saat,ku melihat senyumanmu terukir,

Setiap minit,ku pandang wajahmu.....

Boleh buwat takotkan kucing,

Sbb muke ko sebijik cam berok....hehe

moral: cite ney mane ade moral....


Klu korang tgk anjing gelek,

cool jek....

Tpi klu korang tgk badak gelek,

hawt gler....

tpi dieorg tetap sehati sejiwe....


Di saat aku memerlukan kau,

Kau sentiasa menolong aku,

Di saat aku berada dlm kesusahan,

Kau sentiasa berada di samping ku....


Kalau kau perlukan aku,

Aku takkan tolong kau...


sajak di atas adalah rekaan semata-mata tidak ade kene mengena

antara yg hidop ataupon yg mati....